Outreach & Educational Activities

Dima Vaido (Louisiana State University), DRG REU Summer Student, giving his final presentation entitled "Using Machine Learning to Create a New Quantum Chemistry Approximation"

Yan Yang (above left), explains her research on “Non-Covalent Interactions in Covalent Organic Frameworks” and Lijie Tu (above right) presents his research at the, “Atomic Origami: a Technology Platform for Nanoscale Machines, Sensors and Robots,” CCRM symposium
CCMR is an interdisciplinary research center funded by the National Science Foundation and New York state to explore materials and advance them through fundamental, experimental and theoretical studies. CCMR also conducts educational outreach to teachers and students, industrial outreach and knowledge transfer, and operates shared instrumentation in support of materials research on and off campus, available to anyone who would like to participate.
DRG members work with students from the Greater Ithaca Activities Center (GIAC)

Interactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations Workshop with NYC Teachers